3/3/2013 2:25 AM
Missing many good hymns Jeremy 
Such as Victory in Jesus, The Solid Rock, The Lily of the Valley, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, Were You There, Sweet Hour of Prayer, etc. Also A Mighty Fortress uses an unpopular translation. There are also duplicates of Christ the Lord is Risen Today. On the other hand, the ability to print scores is very nice.
Jeremy – thanks for taking time to write feedback. We do take feedback seriously. Regards the missing hymns – we are only able to bring the hymns which are in public domain; they are analyzed, formatted & published by our hymn expert. Also note that he is a volunteer. So – after new hymn request it may take some time.
Victory in Jesus – there are multiple hymns titled “Victory in Jesus”, but the most popular one (and I’m guessing the requested one) was written in 1939 and is still under copyright protection.
The Solid Rock – is already present. The actual title of the hymn is “My Hope is Built”.
Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Lyra) – you’re correct that there have same lyrics. But they have different tunes used for the same lyrics. There are actually multiple hymns in the same situation, including “Blest Be the Tie that Binds”, “Dear Christians One and All Rejoice”, “Happy the Man Who Feareth God”, and numerous others. Most of them are old hymns whose usage grew up in different places with different tunes. We will see if we can add the tune name in the title to bring more clarity.
A Mighty Fortress – This is a difficult question. There are many translations and composites out there. Translations continue to be tweaked and reworked in modern days, and the translation that is mostly used in the USA today might be that in the ecumenical “Lutheran Book of Worship”, which is copyright 1978. It is such a “core” hymn that everyone likes their own. The more common one is the revision of that tune by Bach. In this case, we will see if we can add second translation using the Bach version of the tune.